
The All Fours community would like to extend our gratitude to the
MAA Webmaster for the countless hours spent on compiling
the following document.
- A great part in the history of our Winnipeg Brotherhood -
Gone But Not Forgotten

‘Forever in our thoughts ... Forever in our hearts’
On Remembrance Day, in addition to the traditional observance of this
day for the members of the armed forces who have lost their lives in
times of war, the Manitoba All Fours Association would like to pay
special tribute to its members who have passed away.
We would like to take a few minutes of our time to remember them whether
in thoughts or in prayers for the many wonderful and cherished memories
they have given us. It is an honour and a privilege to acknowledge these
players for their love, dedication and contribution to the game of All Fours
over the years.
Dyanand 'Dan' Maharaj (Dec. 21, 2018)
Fondly known as 'Dan', he played many years in the MAA. His first team
was Windians, followed by SMS (formerly called SDMS) and lastly with
Chutney Boys. He was an avid card player and had many other hobbies,
some of which were playing cricket, umpiring cricket games, Sai Baba
devotee, member of Caritoba Golf, etc. In 1993, Dan and Gerry Sankar
won the 'Most Bullseyes' Award. In 2006 Dan and the late Steve Osmand
won the league's MVP Award. Over the years Dan contributed to the
Western Canadian Championship as a rep for Manitoba.
..Sylvester Parker (May 11, 2017)
teams. Occasionally he would substitute for other teams when they
were a player short. Over the years he sometimes would go to the
hall just to mingle with the guys regardless of whether he played or
not. If called upon to score he would gladly accept the task. He was a
very helpful and accomodating person. Syl accompanied us on many
of our trips to the WCC just to hang out with the boys and
to cheer us on.

Spencer Tracy
Spencer was the catalyst and backbone of the Western Canadian
Championship. He developed a relationship with Avi Ali that led to
the formation of the Western Canadian Championship (1988 -
present time). Over the years Spencer won many awards in this
tournament. He captivated the hearts of many and also inspired
people to be around him. Above all he had a great sense of humour.
He is the only card player outside of Manitoba to make this list and
it is a big honour for the MAA to have him on it.

Kenrick, fondly nicknamed 'Police', started playing early in the
league and was a big help to Avi Ali in running the MAA organization.
He won the most Hang Jacks award in 1985. Shortly thereafter he was
partnered with card maestro Ram Mungroo. According to Ram, Kenrick
loved to take control of the cards and "his eyes used to move like ball
bearings - watching for the exchange of signs between their opponents".
In 1993 he won his first league championship as a member of Saints.
He returned many years later to win another title in 2014 with Saints.

Seepersad (Sam) Mahase (Feb. 23, 2011)
Sam started his playing career with Windians and later became
a founding member of Duniya. He won several championship
with Duniya including Most Bullseyes and Most Hang Jacks in
1987. 'Koe', as he was fondly known as, was a very quiet card
player and was a key figure in inspiring others to implement
the no smoking ban when smoking was still permitted.
Harold Manoosingh (November 22, 2011)
Harold loved the outdoors very much and was an avid hunter
and fisherman. He played for Carib Boys for a number of years
and then took a hiatus from playing cards. He later joined WISA
and represented Manitoba at the Western Canadian Champion-
ship in Calgary.
Dave Samsoondar (Dec 9, 2008)
Dave was a very devoted card player for ICCA. He was considered
by many to be one of the top players in the league. He always felt
that the opposition could never beat him and was very sportsman-
like when he lost. Dave was responsible for making and donating
the league’s first set of laminated score sheets and banner. The
league runner up trophy has been renamed in his memory.
Doon Persad (Feb 13, 2008)
Doon was the captain of the Windians team in the 80’s. Windians
folded which led to the formation of Duniya. Doon was its first
captain and was responsible for naming the team ‘Duniya’. He
was always very competitive in all sports he played. He was
instrumental in building and molding Duniya into a champion
-ship team in the late 80’s and early 90’s. He won the league's
most bullseyes award in 1990.
(photo unavailable)
Lalla Persad
Lalla was Doon’s brother and sometimes playing partner for
Duniya. He won the most bullseyes award in 1984 as well as
the most hang jacks award in 1986. He made an important
contribution to Duniya's success in winning eight
Ongkar Binda (Sep 7, 2008)
Ongkar was a ‘happy go lucky’ individual. He first played for Saints
in the 80’s. He later helped to establish T&T Carib Boys in the early
90’s, a team with which he spent most of his playing time. Ongkar
was part of the winning Carib Boys team in 1991. The last team he
played on was Aces. In the late 80’s Ongkar was an executive
member of the MAA.
Steve Osman (Apr 23, 2006)
played for Saints for quite a number of years and was a member
of their winning team in 1993. He joined SDMS when it was first
formed and later played for Chutney Boys when it replaced SDMS.
Over the years Steve served in various positions on the executive
committee. The MVP perpetual trophy was renamed in his honour
in May 2006.
(photo unavailable)
Rae Khan (Jul 10, 2003)
Rae won the most bulleyes award in the inaugural year of the MAA.
He was also a member of the Windians team that won the first two
league championships.
Avi Ali
Avi is considered to be the founder of this association. He ran the
organization for the first four years as the President. In years to
follow he took various positions on the executive committee. Even
though he wasn’t the most organized person as far as paperwork was
concerned, Avi was very effective in getting things done on time. Avi
created the template for the score sheets we use. He worked with Tab
Allen to set up the statistic sheets. Over the years Avi played for
Boozers, Limers & Tropikis teams.
Milton Bhuckal (Dec 12, 2006)
Milton loved playing cards with a passion. He played on two
championship teams with T&T Carib Boys in 1991 and 1997.
At times while playing cards, you could hear Milton asking his
partner for a ‘duchina’ (a little piece of trump) when trying to
pass a ten. His famous chant when singing a bullseye was
“Marker … bullseye from Channel Four (meaning table 4).”
Milton was a very persevering guy who, despite his illness,
came out and played every Sunday.
(photo unavailable)
Jai Persaud
Jai played with both his sons for Duniya. He was a very quiet person
who let his partner do all the talking. He played on many championship
teams over the years. He was one of the few Guyanese to have played
all fours in the MAA.
Raymond Nimchan (Jan 10, 2009)
Raymond was a community minded person who was very easy
going and cheerful. When called upon to do something, he was
always willing to help. Raymond was a very committed card
player who played two full seasons for Aces.